Witty Profiles

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You are the cheese to my macaroni
You are the horizon to my sky
You are the bacon to my eggs
You are the laces to my sneakers
You are the jelly to my peanut butter
You are the smile to my face
You are the gravy to my mashed potatoes
You are the bubble to my bath
You are the milk to my cookie
You are the ink to my pen
You are the lead to my pencil
You are the ketchup to my french fries
You are the water to my ocean
You are the icing to my cake
You are the colors to my rainbow
You are the head phones to my ipod
You are the light to my darkness
You are the beat to my heart
You complete me in every way possible
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You are the cheese to my macaroni You are the horizon to my

2 faves · Nov 29, 2010 7:18pm






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