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Cheaters Never Win.
chapter 1

Ok. I'm the type of girl who falls too hard for a guy too quick. My name's Gianna and my life revolves around "him". He makes me smile. My best friend makes him smile. Let's start my story...


Alexis: Hey babee, wanna hangout tonight? movie night then sleepover?

Me: Yeah sounds great. Wanna invite anyone else?

Alexis: Hm.. how about Dan and Chris?

Me: Yeah sounds great. Give them a call and tell them to come around 7:30. My parents are outta town so they can crash here.

Alexis: YAY :D you gonna get your flirt on with Dan? ;}

Me: Shut up Alexis! But, yeah :}

Alexis: hahahaa oh god i love yoou. i just called them and they said they could comme and crash there. can i come now and we can get ready together?

Me: Yeah sounds good, see you in... 10 minutes?

Alexis: You got itt. Love yoou babygirl.

Me: Love you too sweetie. 

Before Alexis came I took a shower really fast and had Alexis straighten my hair since I was too lazy. Then we put some eyeliner and mascara on. I ran into my closet and we were throwing clothes everywhere trying to find the cutest outfit. I ended up picking out this yellow tank top with an electric blue cardigan and black yoga pants. Alexis wore a tight cotton scoop neck purple long sleeve shirt from Abercrombie with baggy grey sweats from Hollister. We looked cute. We looked at the clock. It was 7:20. We ran into the bathroom, brushed our teeth, scrubbed our tongue, used mouthwash, slathered on some chapstick and did a quick makeup and hair check. The doorbell rang. We ran downstairs to open it and there they were. The cutest guys in the whole 9th grade, standing in front of our door. We gave them each a peck on the lips and walked downstairs.

Dan: So, what movie are we watching?

Chris: Let's watch something scary!

Me: Uh... I don't know guys. I don't really like scary movies... they creep me out.

Alexis: Yeah same here.

Dan: Come on you two, don't be such babies. Come here Gianna. *put his arm around me and pulls me closer and grabs a blanket to wrap around us* I'll protect you. *smiles his dazzling adorable smile with his dimples showing*

Me: *blush like a fricken tomato* Ok *smiles like an idiot*

Chris: Alexis, do you need someone? *opens his arms out*

Alexis: *smiles and bites her lip then goes to cuddle with Chris*

Me and Alexis exchanged one of those glances *you the kind I'm talking about girls* and turned on a scary movie, cuddling with our crushes for the whole movie.

to be continued....

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Cheaters Never Win. chapter 1 Ok. I'm the type of girl who

17 faves · 4 comments · Nov 26, 2010 11:12pm






kaylin · 1 decade ago
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rowanrage25 · 1 decade ago
poossst s'more
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lovepinkx511 · 1 decade ago
bwahaha stupid witty messed up the spacing hahaa :D and thanks so much!
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micha136 · 1 decade ago
OMG POSTT MORE NOW(: i love this hahaa
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