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Hey witty girls,I need help.I don't know how to start.My parents are divorced and I live with my dad,brother,and grandmother.In the past year so manythings have changed and me and my father and gone from bestfriends to enemies.I used to be able to tell my grandmother anything.Now they're all against me.Everytime I want something so bad,they'll refuse.My brother and father have called the cops on me atleast 17 times including tonight.All they do is come and yell at me,Ive asked to be emancipated and all they do is tell me how difficult it is and that I'll never get emancipated.I'm 17,not stupid.I know what I'm getting into but no one understands.Im not gonna lie I do get mad to the point where I cant handle it anymore.What do I do then,its 3 against 1.I wana make it big and I wanted to take this performing arts class I asked my dad just to pay the deposit and once I get payed I'd pay him back,but no.Just cause they don't like it I can't do  it.I feel as if its me against the whole world.The fee was due about a month ago and the next meeting is in January,idk if theyll take my money now,but what should I do.Someone please help me,I need help,but mostly I need hope.Sorry for venting.thank you though.   

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Hey witty girls,I need help.I don't know how to start.My

0 faves · 2 comments · Nov 26, 2010 12:29am






00_mystery_girl_00 · 1 decade ago
Well why have they called the cops on you? Do they have a reason to do it? Because honestly, if they really wanted you to be happy, they would let you do what you have intrests in. Like that Art Class. I would just try and get along with them best you can, because they are still your family, thats never going to change. And you only have to live with them for another year because your almost 18 so you can move out and make your own decisons. You could also have a talk with your dad to see why he is so against you. I hope this helped. Good luck.(:
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xjaimex3 · 1 decade ago
listen to this:
' in the end,everything will turn out right. if everythings not right,its not the end.' dont worry,things could be much worse. keep your head up(:
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