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One by one
Marching down my face
Like a colony of disturbed ants.
Marking a trail-
As if it is a reminder,
To never forget

Deep in thought I sit,
My mind racing,
Yet as hollow as a black hole.
Is love better lost,
Or never found?

Shouldn't I be ashamed,
Or perhaps humiliated?
What kind of question is that?
Extremely obvious is the answer,
Yet so distant,
As far away as another world.

The storm brewing overhead worsens,
Just then,
A voice calls out to me.
The pounding drops cease,
Barely visable,
A tiny sliver of light peeks through.
The Arc of Brilliance has formed.
A rainbow cannot form without rain and sunshine.

My answer is now clear,
Just as the sky overhead.
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Teardrops One by one Marching down my face Like a colony of disturbed

0 faves · Mar 8, 2008 9:34am




