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Sweet Disposition: chapter one.

The worst part of the weekend is always sunday. Laying around with greasy hair, procrastinating on doing homework, nothing on tv, all of these little petulant reminders that the next day I'm back to waking up unhealthily early and spending another 7 hours in an overcrowded, understaffed popularity contest.
So when the alarm goes off at 6:30 on Monday, I throw on leggings and my dad's huge Michigan sweatshirt, listening to my ipod's November playlist on shuffle. I stumble down the stairs (almost literally..). Naturally, there's no food in the pantry besides bran flakes and beans. Go figure. And school drags on, and I refrain from bashing my head into walls, or other people's.
It's November 27th and hasn't snowed once. I live in Michigan, and it's almost impossible to not have the first snow before December. So in Biology when somebody notices snow falling, all us little michiganders run to the window like we've never seen snow in our lives. Mr. McDougall tells us to take our seats, and we're too old for this, "We are young ADULTS here, for God's sake." He goes on for a few minutes, like he doesn't notice that no ones listening, and the ones who are, don't care. I think he notices, but likes the sound of his own voice too much to shut up.
Anyways, when school gets out, it's still snowing. I love snow, and winter, and Christmas, and Ugg boots and new coats. The whole lot. So basically.. I'm pretty excited. I walk out to my sister's car and hurry to get in because it's freezing outside. We head home and when we pull into the driveway, she tells me to tell mom that she's going to Lance's. Lance is allegedly just a friend. They're together so much though, that sometimes I wonder. Both my mom and dad's cars are at home, which startles me because dad doesn't get home till 6 when he works. Something's up for sure, I'm thinking as I walk in the door. So when I walk in the door and neither of them are around, I'm a little freaked out.

CONTINUE? Advice, critique, pleaseeee

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Sweet Disposition: chapter one. The worst part of the weekend

4 faves · Nov 14, 2010 10:01pm






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