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okaii, one of my best dude friends qut dumped, the qirl waas like leqit Emo. and i have NO clue whyy she would dump him!! he is so nice and sweet. and he is wicked funeh. and i miss that about hiim. buht since she dumped him he hates his life noow, and i feel soo baad. but that gurl is deffinetly not worth the tears he has cryed. This kid is like my brother! And now i want to like blow up cos she broke his heart into a million pecies. why does life have to bee so hard.?? why cant we all live happily ever after.??

this quote is spiciffically ment for my brother. i love you Justin, and i just want you to know that she aint worth those tears. juust froqeht about heer. (: cos all you need is qood friends like meeh in yhur lifee. <3 iLy!

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okaii, one of my best dude friends qut dumped, the qirl waas

2 faves · Nov 13, 2010 5:45pm






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