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Every song I hear,
Every quote I read, I think of you.
Every time I cry, it’s because you’re gone.
Every time I’m sad, it’s because I miss you.
I see best friends, and I wanna die inside.
I don’t understand this.
When it first happened all I did was cry.
I cry and cry as I write this.
I’m in love, and you’ll never meet him.
You’ll never get to hear about him, like I heard about Jeremy.
Words can’t explain how much I miss you.
People tell me to let it go, that it’s been 2years;
Well the pain never goes away.
I don’t think it ever will.
I talk to you, even though I can’t hear you.
I sing the songs we made up.
I miss the sleepovers,
I miss sneaking out,
I miss laughing with you,
I miss your laugh,
But what I miss the most is:
I can’t call you crying,
I can’t tell you about him,
I can’t laugh with you, I can’t tell you a joke,
I can’t text you,
I can’t hug you.
I miss you and I wish it wasn’t you..
I really wish this was a dream. 

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Every song I hear, Every quote I read, I think of you. Every

3 faves · Nov 11, 2010 6:15pm






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