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They'll never know how much we care.
Sure, we can tell them, and try to explain it..
but they'll never really know.
They wont know how much it hurts to see them talk to another girl,
even if they're not flirting.

Or how we double-think, triple-think, about what to say next.
Or how those cute little reminders of how much we mean to them, can simply make our entire week.
They'll never know how much we constantly try to improve ourselves for them,
whether its blowing our money on new clothes or make up, or even starving ourselves.

They'll never know that we day dream about them kissing us in the rain.
They'll never understand that trying to get us jealous only pushes us away.
Or how all we want to do is be with them.
They'll never understand how much we love them.

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Guys, They'll never know how much we care. Sure, we can tell

13 faves · Nov 10, 2010 7:39pm






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