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“What about a song?” I whispered to Adam.
“I got it all covered. You’ll know it as soon as it comes on.”
“But, but, bu…” I stammered but Adam and Amanda were already heading back to their seats. There was a spotlight on me and everyone in the audience was staring. I couldn’t handle it, I was terrified. The song started playing and I strained to recognize it. It sounded familiar but I couldn’t figure it out, I was too busy trying not to puke. The crowd started to chant
“Sing! Sing! Sing!” Then I recognized the song. It was a song that I had written called Let’s Shake Things Up. I had written it and made a dance routine to it but I had never shown anyone. How had they gotten the music for it? The music stopped and I realized I was still just standing there. The host came over and whispered to me
“Look, are you going to sing or what?” I decided why not? Most of these people I’ll never see again so why the hell not?
“Yeah, just umm… Start the song over.” He nodded and went back to the DJ system. The song started over and I started singing. I even added the dance moves. As the crowd started cheering and some kids even got up and danced I began getting more and more comfortable. I realized that I actually liked this. Half way through the song almost everyone was on their feet dancing and cheering. I finished with a pose and as soon as the song ended everyone erupted into applause. I was so excited I was almost giddy. I squealed and ran down and gave Adam and Amanda a hug.
“Thank you!” I nearly screamed into Adam’s ear.
“See? I told you you were good.” I couldn’t stop smiling.  


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Makeover p.26 “What about a song?” I whispered to

5 faves · 1 comments · Nov 9, 2010 6:10pm






yeahitsalycia · 1 decade ago
i would have punchedd him in the face. :D
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