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Many people wonder why your wedding ring is on your fourth finger... well this is why

Your thumb represents your parents. your index(pointer) finger represents your siblings. your middle finger represents yourself. the fourth(ring) represents your spouse. and your pinky represents your kids.

Now, put your hands together with the tips of all your fingers touching but bending your middle fingers inward so that the flat middle bones of them are touching. It is kind of hard to explain but you must make it so that you your middle bone part of your middle fingers are touching one another. If you have that done, make sure that all of your other finger tips are touching.

if you try and split them apart they will all part accept the fourth(ring) finger. The thumbs split because your parents won't always be a major part in your life, your index fingers split because your sibling will all move on and lead lives of their own, your middle fingers can part because everything shouldn't be about yourself, your pinkies will split because eventually they will grow up and lead lives of their own, but your fourth finger will not come apart because you and your spouse are meant to be together forever.


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Many people wonder why your wedding ring is on your fourth finger...

7 faves · Nov 7, 2010 1:19am






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