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The next day was a pool day. We all hung around, by the pool, in the arcade, in the water park. Adam and I spent most of the day together. Then January, February, March, April, May, June, and July decided they needed to grab me and take me hostage from my boyfriend.
“He’s hogging all of your attention!” February explained as they dragged me in the direction of the lounge area.
“Yeah! I haven’t even been able to give you a makeover!” March complained. When we were little she was constantly giving me makeovers. I always thought it was because she was embarrassed by the way I looked when she was always so beautiful.
“WHY?! I thought I was finally pretty enough. What’s wrong? What do I need to change?” I had a mini freak-out.
“Nothing! Jeeze, calm down. I just like giving you makeovers. You’ve always been beautiful December. Though you do look smokin’ now.” I was a so surprised I nearly knocked a waiter carrying a tray of drinks into the pool.
“What? I thought you gave me makeovers, well because you were embarrassed of the way I looked.” I was a bit confused now. March looked horrified.
“OMG! Is that what you thought all these years? That I was embarrassed by you?” I blushed a little.
“Well… Yeah kind of.” March came over and hugged me.
“Oh I’m so so so sorry! I never for one moment was embarrassed by you, I have always thought you were beautiful!” I smiled.
“Really?” I was almost giddy I felt so happy that she wasn’t embarrassed by me.
“Of course!” It was such a relief to know that she wasn’t embarrassed by me. For my whole life I’ve thought that I was ugly and that my family thought so too but it was clear that March really did think I was beautiful. I hugged her.
“Thanks” I said with a smile.
“Ok! Back to the problem at hand!” July said. We looked at her.
“What problem?” I asked.
“The problem that Adam is hogging you!” I smiled a bit.
“HEY! I’ve never had a boyfriend before and you guys have all had tons! Give me a break.” They all laughed.
“So true.” April added.
“Ok I guess we can excuse it for a little while.” July gave in reluctantly. And we all sat down in the lounge. We spent the rest of the afternoon talking and laughing and just catching up. 


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Makeover p.23 The next day was a pool day. We all hung around,

4 faves · Nov 6, 2010 11:36pm






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