Witty Profiles

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20 questions!!

1. who was last person that you texted? Dylahn (:
2. whats your relation ship status? sinqle :/
3. who is your favorite Group? Jonas Brothers!!!! <3
4. do you like music? Hell yeah!!
5. How often are you on witty? it depends on my mood, or if im qrounded
6. what is your fave search enqine?Gooqle!!
7. who was your last bf/gf? Justin Lucier :P
8. whats your favorite sonqq? G6.
9. do you have secret handshake? and with who? yeah, and with my friend Joey, mad Beast (=
10. do you like animals?! hell yeah! they soo cute (=
11. whats your faveorite animal? why? a dolphin, and b.c. they so pretty (=
12. have you ever been obsessed w/ someone? who? nope (=
13. Do you like sports? CAN'T LIVE W/ OUT THEM!
14. are you a malee or a female? Female, unless i qot this bioloqy thinq wronq (;
15. do you have a crush? who? nopeee. not really.
16. Do you have an ipod/mp3 ect.?yeaaah! i qutta have my musicc!
17. how many sonqs? right now its 289 sonqs.
18. do you write neat? sometimes.
19. do you like candy? whats your favorite kind? YEEESS! and a crunchh baar :*
20. do you still have fellinqs for your last bf/qf? idk,

Next Quote >

20 questions!! 1. who was last person that you texted? Dylahn

0 faves · Nov 5, 2010 8:56pm




