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Can you speak bieber?

When a Belieber cries at the sight of Justin Bieber.
Example: "I saw him and I was total Biebergasted!"

A way of describing something which is amazing and totally Biebery.
Example: "My World 2.0 is so Biebertastic!"

Holy Bieber!
Another phrase used by many excited Bieber fans.
Example: "Holy Bieber, the video for 'Baby' is amazing!"

This stands for Obsessive Justin Bieber Disorder, a condition suffered by many fans.
Example: "Catherine is suffering from OJBD."

An obsessive Justin Bieber fan.
Example: "I am a Belieber."

Bieber Fever
The effect Justin Bieber has on female fans, symptoms include
over-excitement, swooning and excessive screaming.
Example: "There's 300 screaming girls outside who are all suffering from Bieber fever."

The level of excitement a Justin Bieber fan might reach when coming face to face with their idol.
Example: "I was having a complete Biebergasm when I saw him backstage."

Bustin Jieber
The nickname given to Justin Bieber by the Jonas Brothers, they say there can be only one "JB".
Example: "I am the world's biggest Bustin Jieber fan!"

Eager Bieber
A fan who will do anything to meet Bieber.
Example: "She's such an Eager Bieber, she was waiting for him at the signing at 5am."

The acronym for "Oh My Bieber", a phrase used by many excited Bieber fans.
Example: "OMB! Justin is so hotttte!"

Team Bieber
A loyal Bieber fan can claim membership to team Bieber.
Example: "I am team Biber." 

   GOT FROM sarahandsarah <------< 
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Can you speak bieber? Biebergasted When a Belieber cries at the

18 faves · 1 comments · Oct 31, 2010 5:15pm






Jennwow · 1 decade ago
thats Bieber love in a whole new level
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