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true story. please read ? ♥

 Three Years ago, we met.
The first thing we ever said was, "i love you."
The first time we ever hung out was at the elementary school playground.
Our first hug was on a Wednesday after my baton rehearsal.
We used to hang out every Wednesday, best nights of my week.
I loved being with you.
I remember you told me that you tried so hard not to kiss me every time we were together.
I told you I wouldn't have minded.
I remember the first text you sent me; New Years Eve,
It started us talking 24-7. All the time.
I remember our first basketball game, many followed.
I remember when things were great, almost like a fairytale.
Those were the days. Then we had our twist.
My parents found out, they didn't like it. You were two years older than me. They were scared.
They told me I was forbidden to talk to you any longer.
I cried for months after that. Every night I would fall asleep with tears in my eyes.
I'd wake up and feel like I had a hole in me, something missing.
I remember on your birthday, the next year in school, I saw you.
I decided that was the day I would say something, so I wished you a Happy Birthday.
I was so scared you had forgotten about me, but when you looked at me and smiled, and said thanks,
I knew that you didn't, couldn't.
When I texted you later That night you told me it was still too soon
You didn't want to come between me and my parents.
So we stopped talking.
Then one day my mom randomly asked about you and if we still talk.
I told her that I see you, but we never talk.
She told me that it was okay and I could talk to you, as long as my dad didn't find out,
And then I told you what she said and we talked all night and caught up on what we'd missed.
The next day, you gave me a huge hug. It felt amazing to be in your arms again.
Everything was going great and we had been telling eachother everything;
And then my friend and I got in a fight and she was like a sister to me.
The only person that I wanted to be with / talk to about it was you.
So I walked all the way to your house and you gave me a big hug and Cherry Coke.
You told me everything would be okay, you made me smile, laugh. You made me better.
Over the summer, we kind of drifted. I spent most of it with my dad, so we couldn;t really talk.
When we got back to school, I loved talking to you 24-7 again and seeing you all the time.
Soon enough was Octoberfest, the first time I really got to see you (outside of school).
I was walking to my car and you wrapped your arms around me and told me you missed me.
So instead of going home, I stayed with you.
After a while, my mom came looking for me, and found us.
You told her that it was all your fault and you kidnapped me.
Then I gave you a hug and you texted me right after I left making sure she wasn't mad.
Luckily, she wasn't. Actually, she told me you were cute.
Just recently, I was over your house and we went on a walk.
We just hung out, got to spend time together, it was fun.
We saw Billy (the old horse), accidently went into a field we weren't supposed to,
And you even taught me to throw a football. oh...and the cast of iCarly. it was truely amazing.
The next day, my mom and I were in the car and she told me that we could date.
I didn't even know how to react. Like it was completely unexpected,
I told you and you said that now all we need is my dad.
I really want to tell him about us, how we're friends again.
I hate keeping it from him, but I'm too scared to talk to him.
I just know that if he is willing to forget the past he'll love you.
He'll see what I see. (Not in a creepy way).
He'll understand why I love your brown eyes, your crooked smile, you laugh, your truthfulness.
Your honesty. How you care about me. How we can be ourselves around eachother. The way you make me smile when all I can do is cry. How your favorite colors blue and when I see it I think of you. How much you care about me. Your secret love of iCarly. How even though your a terrible singer, you love to sing. How you love food, especially ham and chinese. The way you hate the sky, because you think stars are aliens attacking us...all he needs is to get to know you.
I know if he does,  he'd love you just as much as I do.
I want to tell him everything. The only thing keeping me back is fear.
I'm scared of losing you again, but I know that I shouldn't be.
I know that through the ups and the downs, the good and the bad, we'll make it through, together.
I need to tell him, because your worth the risk.
Even if it does make me lose you again, it won't be for long.
We're too strong for that. Love conquers all.
And I love you, always and forever.


If you read all that, i love you. please please please give me ideas on what to say to my dad ? thank you so much. sorry it was so long.

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true story. please read ? ♥ Three Years ago, we met. The

7 faves · 1 comments · Oct 26, 2010 2:44pm






uxnoxuxluvxme · 1 decade ago
just tell your dad that if youve been seeing him this long...and nothing bad has happened hes obviously doing something good. you could tell ur dad youll compromise with him...if he says you cant see him ask if he would like to talk to him...with or without you...and figure out what hes actually like
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