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part 17. The rest of the car ride to Redbrook I was holding back tears which burned my eyes. Max slept for the whole 15 minutes and my father just texted the whole way there, which made me nervous. What if we crashed? What If my life suddenly ended? What if I lost max? All of these “what if” questions kept forming in my head but I forced the thoughts away since I needed to focus on the present. At least that’s what a lot of people have told me. “Don’t look back on the past or worry about the future, just think about what’s going on now in the present” was what Zach had once told me. Sadly, right now that wasn’t possible. Instead of straining myself with all of these painful thoughts, I slept for the next 5 minutes. I awoke when my dad opened the car door and I fell onto the ice-cold pavement of his driveway. “Get off the ground winter!” my dad yelled at me. I slowly lifted myself from the ground and dusted the gravel off my pants. To save myself from further conflicts with my dad, I brought my bags inside my new house. I walked inside and dropped my bags on the floor heavily at the sight of the inside of my dad’s house. It was amazing, granite counters, flat screen TVs, and wide-open space. Breaking into my thoughts about the beautiful city town house, my dad came through the door and shoved me out of the way. “Go put your bags in your room Winter! I’m very stressed right now so just get out of my face before I slap you!” my father screamed at me. I quickly ran up to a room that looked like it would be mine and dropped my bags. Before I did anything else, I took out a razor from the side pocket of my bag and dragged it across my wrist 2 times. I would do anything to myself to help distract myself from my severe emotional pain. I couldn’t take this anymore. Zach hated me, my mom doesn’t want to take care of me anymore, and my father hates me. Hot tears spilled from my eyes and ran down my face. I lifter the razor and stabbed it into my arm. I screamed from the pain for a second but then felt calm watching the pools of blood pour down my arm. I didn’t care. There wasn’t much to care about anymore. Not even my life. 
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part 17. The rest of the car ride to Redbrook I was holding back

4 faves · Oct 23, 2010 8:55pm






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