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&& jst bc i promised;
i will do all the things i swore i wouldn't.
[[ even the ones where i PINKY swore ]]
&& just bc you did,
[[ you swore never to leave me, or to hurt me, or any of what you just did ]]
i will always break the promise i made to you.
[[ the one where i said that i would never SMILE at anyone the way i smiled at him or love him the way i did to anyone else. ]]
so maybe i won't love anyone that way, but i can show them YOU smile. the one you created.
and i'll never give you credit.
[[ never. ]]
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&& jst bc i promised; i will do all the things i swore i wouldn't.

0 faves · Nov 7, 2007 6:38pm





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