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Love At First Sight?

 I   never   will   believe   in   it.

The first day we met, Don't get me wrong you
were as
cute as could be. They way your
strong masculine hands ran through
your brown wavy hair set my heart at ease.
But it was the first time you saw me
cry, my makeup washed away, you
said I was simply
beautiful and
that it'd be okay. It was the time
I saw you sick, so humble,so meek.
All I wanted was to nurse you
to health, It made my heart weep.
Then that time we went to the fair,
Man I had to pee! Porta potty walls are thin.
[ [ [ -& you could hear me wee. ] ] ]
Darling, love, it grows on you, you won't
just have it in a day. Love its
at, the worse the best, and all the
awkwardness. It's a stolen breathe.
& my head on your chest


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Love At First Sight? I never will believe in it. The first day

13 faves · Oct 14, 2010 9:07pm






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