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Riley  Kiera . . . that sounds bout right .
Born May25,1997 .
mhmmmm .

iam very outgoing &&&iam shy around people that idont know .
ilove animals .
iam a vegitarian .
ido appear in Amy Diamon alot .
this account ish shared .
iam my own person .
ido have mah own typing style . . . if you dont approve of it why the hell would icare what you think ? !
ialso have mah own way to style mah medoll so STFU if you think its ugly .
ilike to give others adivice so their lives will be easier and happier .
mah heart is usually broken .
guys .
don't ask meh why or who .
iwont answer .
iam into music very mush .
ising alot .
iam in show choir, choir . i recently tried out for a solo .
ihave lots of friwends which makes meh loyal iguess .
iloose alot of friwends .
iwont lie about that .
if youd like to know more bout meh add meh .

SomedayTheWillBeHealed !

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TheGirlWithABrokenHeart Riley Kiera . . . that sounds bout right

3 faves · Oct 14, 2010 6:33pm






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