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8 faves · 25 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




SporksAreTheHybridUntensil · 1 decade ago
i wan't to scream to the world that im not happy! that no. im not fine. that i need help, but if i did, my mom would tell my to shut the up cause no one else really cares and its not their business anyways. i wish my mom would stop treating my like a dog. talking about me like im not there. i wish everyone saw me like my sister does. for who i am. not for what im not. or what i fail to be.
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shortiebabe97 · 1 decade ago
I wishh i had a dad): everyone always says how great their dad is and how lucky they are to have them and then they look at me and there i am with just a mom..its not the same just having your mom around also i wish that i had a sister, i have 3 brothers and they all beat on me,i just wish for the best obviosly thats not going ot happen.
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emys9 · 1 decade ago
I wish I could admitt to him how much I love him. How long I've loved him for.. But I don't want to now. Now that I finally have him. I love him so much, I don't know what I would do without him..
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Ayjae · 1 decade ago
i wish i could just skip my teenage years, i dnt care if ill want them bac later, they are truly hell and all types of tty.

last week my dad was taken away by police. last week i was laying on my bedrrom floor crying my eyes out because my dad had 5 guns & drunk. 2 police vans & about 4 cops im not sure were at my house. i have 5 older brothers, the 3rd oldest has done something bad to me that no matter wat i cannot forget.
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DizzyLizzy · 1 decade ago
I've had 3 different eating dissorders over the past 6 years-- bulimia, anorexia and compulsive eating. I've cut for the last year. I've been cheated on by my ex. Every other guy who's been interested in me has given up on me after less than a month. I was sexually assulted. I've had depression for a year. I'm completely in love with my best friend. I feel like no one loves me. I can never sleep. I feel like my friends don't understand. I sometimes wish I could end this.
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smilebrightxox · 1 decade ago
a wish i wasnt so lucky. i wish i had problems. i wish my parents weren't such good parents. i wish i could relate to people. i wish my brother wasnt such an . i wish that i didnt hate my 'best friend'. i wish i ddint get mad so easily. i wish i didnt say things i dont mean. i wish i could help. i wish i wasnt such a . i wish i wasnt so sensitive. i wish people could read my mind so theyd know what goes on. i wish i had motivation. i wish i didnt feel like skipping school every day. i wish i didnt cry so often. i wish no one thought i was such a goody two shoes. i wish i was skinnier. i wish i knew when people were lying. i wish my friends werent so judgemental about peoples music tastes. i wish i didnt swear so much. i wish my sister doesnt end up like me. i wish i didnt hate blood. i wish my bother would stop hating me for no reason. i wish my cousin didnt die on my birthday. i wish people didnt fight all the time. i wish the witty girls were happy. i wish my head didnt hurt all the time. i wish i wasnt always tired. i wish i could sleep. i wish i didnt skip breakfast. i wish my family would stop making jokes all the time, my life is not a joke. i wish i wish i wish.
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charming_soccer_frogs · 1 decade ago
i want to tell the world that even when life has dragged you through the dirt and you feel no one cares and nothing could make you happy, always remember god loves you and he has an amazing plan and purpose for you life. your never alone.
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tylerstarr12 · 1 decade ago
I would change the day me & my ex broke up and my parents didn't make us stop dating. =/
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MarrXD · 1 decade ago
i would tell my friends im sorry.
im sorry i dont talk to you anymore.
im sorry i dont have time to hang out.
im sorry for everything.
i wish i could tell them the truth without them ignoring me.
but here it goes..
my mom has cancer and i have to take care of her everyday because my sister is in the hospital and my dad is working all day.
so, im sorry for being "fake"
im sorry my mom has cancer
im sorry i have to "waste my time" taking care of her.

and Nickkk, you make me believe that everything will be okay in the end.
your the most amazing person ive NEVER met.
you understand everything!
i wish we could actually talk and be friends, because i feel like we would be bestfriends.
everytime i feel like my life couldnt get any worse, i come on here and read all of your quotes.
your the only person who can actually make me smile when my life is falling appart. and i thank you for that.
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shnazzalicious · 1 decade ago
the only reason he wont take us with him is because we are too young and he would be charged with kidnapping. i am only living for the day i turn 18. all of the razorblades i've worn down, all the meals i don't eat, all the nights i haven't slept, all the voices in my head, will be worth it. i hope i don't kill myself before then. even though i have my suicide plans and sometimes i feel dead, i really truly do want to live until my 18th birthday. until then i am dying to feel alive and my depression/anxiety/bipolar/schizophrenia will kill me from the inside out. i need to wait out these three years. i need to i need to i need to. i'm shaking and crying and cutting and screaming because everyone yells too much and no one is ever here to stop me. i hate everyone for that. for not being there. no one is ever there. no is there besides the voices in my head and i hate them too. because they ruined my life. i am so scared of myself and the things i think. I WANT TO SWALLOW RAZORBLADES. I WANT TO KILL MY BOYFRIEND'S PARENTS. I WANT TO LOCK SOMEONE UP IN MY ROOM SO I WILL NEVER BE ALONE. i'm never going to get of my monster. i hate medication. it made me a robot. STOP TELLING ME TO GO ON MEDICATION. STOP TELLING ME TO COMMIT MYSELF. STOP CALLING ME CRAZY.

i'm just lonely.
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LilSecretLuver · 1 decade ago
i cut because they put me down . i'm anorexic because of they're comments about my weight . i'm in love with a guy who will never love me back , he just using me for the pleasure his girlfriend can't give him . i'm a screwup in life and dont even know what to do anymore
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danceismylife23 · 1 decade ago
I...I...i dunno if i should say it...

ok fine i'll admit it

i cut

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xLaurenxNicolex · 1 decade ago
im stuck in the biqqest situation . im completely in love with him , and ihate seeinq him upset . i know what i have to do , but i cant. and it involves my dad.
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J_money · 1 decade ago
i used to be anorexic. i stopped , but then i was bulemic. my big brother died when he was 5 years old to cancer. it's just sad to see how many people are taking their lives and my brother fought to stay alive when he had about 50 IVs in his arm and they just kill themselves. my little brother has autism and a.d.h.d. he can't talk AT ALL. and he and my older brother are my role models. my brother gets so frustrated cause he can't tell us what he needs, wants, or craves. he can't tell us what hurts. my little sister has a.d.h.d. too. my mom and dad fight all the time. there's too much tension in my house and i really can't take it anymore. my grades are coming down and so is the amount of friends i have. people make fun of me because of my last name. my ex started a rumor about how i'm twelve and not a virgin. he told people i cut myself and that i'm anorexic and bulemic and i don't cut. people don't realize that you can die from anorexia and bulemia. i don't want to complain to much. all my bestfriend have recently seen me not eating, and they're worried for me. life's too hard anymore.
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taytay95 · 1 decade ago
When I was eight, my dad died... he was the most important person in my life, he was what gave me strength, and I watched him die... after that my mom started drinking, when she was drunk, she would beat me... I figured, this is how she showed that she loved me, I was wrong. To get rid of the pain from the bruises I started to cut myself, when I was about ten. Then when I hit twelve, drugs alcohol and smoking... then when I was twelve and a half, I was , by my cousin's friend who was seventeen at the time. I never told anyone, and the pain kept building up inside... so I continued to cut and do drugs, then I thought that if I had enough I would forget the ... It never worked. when I was in seventh grade, my best friend got hit by a car, went into a coma and died, three weeks later I got admitted into the hospital because I overdosed... when I was fourteen I was still doing all these things, I ended up pregnant, and lost the baby at five months.. I was heart broken and tried to kill myself numerous times... now imp fifteen, and vie been clean for almost nine months, I still battle depression. The doctor recently diagnosed me with a disease, because of this disease, ill be lucky if I make it to tomorrow, I most likely wont survive to be 25 at the latest, were trying to fight it.. But sometimes, I just don’t have the strength, in the last few months; I accepted GOD into my life... I don’t want pity or anything. Im just sharing this with you because sometimes, you need to let it out (:
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ifstarscouldtalk · 1 decade ago
That you should really see the abuse that I have been through since I was a baby. Everything I have seen about abuse. I am scared that if I don't do all the things that I am told to do then I will be yelled at like my dad did, but deep down inside I have to love him because I don't know what I would do without him in my life. I live so far way from my family that I grew up around. I live in a hell hole that never seems to be right. My step father gets in my face and yells at me and calls me names, then looks at me like I am going to strip for him. I can't tell my friends anything because they really don't know this life and what happens in my life and has in the past. I often think about things that I can't seem to get out of my head. I am tired of my mom telling me I would be better off without her. I have thought about killing myself because no one knows I am not happy and I probably won't. I am tired of people telling me I am fat and ugly like I haven't heard it my whole life. My dad finally told me he loved me after 15 years and has only said it once. I hate people feeling sorry for me and that I am not good enought to do anything everyone esle does. No one tells me that I am good for anything and for years I thought I was dumb but now I am really really smart. No one understands that I am really shy and can't have change really fast. I cry when nothing is going right and I don't like to cry in front of people because once my mother told me that if I cry I show people that I am weak. And I hold on to things for way to long and no one wants to ask me if I am doing fine. A lot of things that I do everyday isn't good enough.

But everyday I think to myself I am good enough I just need to get throught all these rough patches and not think about the abuse I will hear when I get home and when mom forgets you don't take it personally, mom is just upset that her husband of 2 years is cheating on her and she wants to see it herself. Or when she forgets that we haven't ate yet because she wasn't home again on time. I struggle through my life everyday and try not to think that hey your brother is only going to live a couple more years. It all helps that we can make quotes on here. Not everyone wants you to know that forever for some people have been cut short.

Love the quotes because they are all really true.
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xMCRx3 · 1 decade ago
did he really mean what he said? because it's eating me alive and i don't know what to do.
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dumbblonde124 · 1 decade ago
That my ex wasnst such a jerk and he understood how much I really do care about him
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gossipgirl019 · 1 decade ago
i'm scared of life
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IHeartSuperMan19 · 1 decade ago
I wish that people would just take the time to get to know m and stop listening to everyone else. Im judged day by day, and have a small group of real friends. Sometimes, i just want to go upt to a stranger hug them, cry in their arms and tell them my life story just so someone could listen.
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