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Black Backround

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Today for the first time in a long time, we locked eyes again. It wasn't long at all, maybe five seconds at the most but it made everything we ever had come right back to me. As I was looking into your eyes I almost said something to you. I'm not sure exactly what would have came out, maybe hey, or I miss you, or maybe I just would have said fuckk you. I'm sure you wouldn't have even said anything, you probably would have just kept walking. But the thing is, I have to stop with the what if's because they have got me no where in the last year and a half that we have been on and off. I guess looking in your eyes for that split second simply made me feel like we still have hope.




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Black Backround span style="color: #ffffff"> Today

8 faves · Oct 8, 2010 6:23pm





break up

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