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I had this friend
Who never doubted our friendship
She always believed it would always work
Friends till the end she always said
and I believed it to

But i guess people change
no longer is it i miss you and i love you
but hatred and words filled to hurt

Only if she knew how i still love her
Shes my best friend
I will never forget the good moments and bad
The laughs and the tears
The promises made
And gossip spoken

I guess were no longer best friends
all i do is remember your words filled with accusations
and the words spoken
"this friendship isnt right"

I understand you dont want me as a friend
but how much it hurts me is unbearable
i have cried myself to sleep night after night

Everything is different
I hesitate to text you the details on the boy i like
the fights with my mom
my god awful teachers
cuz i know it will come out to be my fault

frineds to the end, but  i didnt know the end would happen so fast...

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I had this friend Who never doubted our friendship She always

5 faves · 1 comments · Sep 28, 2010 4:26pm






dancingbabe101 · 1 decade ago
to my friend, i love you, i wish you would understand that i miss you and that u would give this friendship a chance
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