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My life means something

I quickly got up and extended my hand to help her up.
Mikah tugged my sleeve and was pulling me with him. “Dude come on.”
I stumbled over my feet and flashed an apologetic smile to Marissa, then fell in step with Mikah. Our sneakers flopped against the tile as we walked through the desolate hallway.
“Dude if I were you… I’d be scared.”
I half laughed. “Why?”
“Do you know who you just fell on?”
“Umm, yeah.”
“You know she’ll twist the story around. Jane is bound to find out and,” Mikah drew in a breath, “I’d hate to be on the receiving end of that wrath.”
“I ain’t worried. All I gotta do is tell her I’m sorry, buy her something nice, give her a kiss she’ll never forget, and she’ll forgive me. Even though it didn’t happen the way Marissa is bound to tell it.”
We reached our class and there was a note scribbled in Coach’s handwriting stuck to the door:

5th hour please go to the library.
Mrs. Dumont has your assignment with her.
Mikah and Jamison, go to the field house.

sorry for the shortness. I'm having trouble figuring out what to do next. keep reading though(:

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My life means something I quickly got up and extended my hand

3 faves · Sep 23, 2010 4:35pm






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