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In Love And Done.
'Chapter 3'

I Woke Up in Jakes Bed.I Looked Around.

Me: Jake?
Jake: Comes out from under the bed Hi.
Me: i Smile Hello.
Jake: So You Wanna Chill Here For a wile?
Me: Shure.

He Smiles and i smile Back,Hes lays down next to me i put my Heand on his chest.Jake Kisses My Forhead.
About 15 minutes Later We Were Makeing out.
30 Minutes After that He Had Work.So He Droped Me Off At Home He Kissed me and i when inside. Jess and Kenzie Ran over.

Kenzie: What Happen!
Me: Nothing!
Jess: LIES!
Me: Nothing we just ....
Kenzie: JUST WHAT!
Me: We Kissed...
Kenzie: OMG!
Jess: "Yay!

We Hugged and we talked all night its a friday  so they slep over.Next Morring they had to go an i Got ready to go hang out wwith jake and his friends so i toke a shower,Stratiieed My Hair,And Did my makeup I Picked out an outfit and SmiledIt was about 9:00 Pm.Jake Came and got me I Ran out side and got in his car.

Jake: Hey Babe.
Me: Hey.
Jake: Leans over and kisses Me.
Me: Kisses him back.
Jake: Drives to The party and Walks in Me Fallowing behide.

We Danced and Had a lot of fun then We Went back to his place.That Was the BEST Day i Ever Had. Nest morring I Wake Up And YAwn Jake Looks AT Me and Smiles.

Jake:" I Love You."
Me: " I Love You To."

Should i Keep Going? Commet,Fave?"

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In Love And Done. 'Chapter 3' I Woke Up in Jakes Bed.I

3 faves · Sep 16, 2010 8:18pm






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