Witty Profiles

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What do you look for in a guy?

Favorite Hair Color?
Brown or Black

Do Like Long Or Short Hair?
Short Hair but I have to be able to run my hands through ittt

Eye Color?

Body Type?
In Shape, Tall Boyss<3

Taller Or Shorter Than You?
Taller I like my tall guyss(: But not too tall that I cant reach his face haaha

Older or Younger Than You?

Older than me! I don't like people younger then mee

Do You Like Your Guys To Wear Pink?

Uhm not regularly. But occasionallyy

How Do You Feel About Tight Pants?
Uhm no.

Should Music Be Important To Him?
Ehh idc. If he iss ohkayy if he isnt whateverr

Do You Like Pretty Boys Or Average Guys?
I like bad boyss(;

Hot Or Cute?

What If He Has A Super Stupid Name? 
Idk if it would bother me or not

This Or That

Long Curly Hair Or Straight Long Hair?
I dont like any kind of long hair.

Rap Or Rock Music Scene?

Relationship Or Just Hooking Up With Him?

Movies Or A Dance?
Either. Movies are romantic and dances are fun but they can be romantic too(:

Horror Or Romantic Movie To Watch With Him?
Horror I could hold onto him the whole time<3

His Style

Geeky Guys?
Hmmm....maybee but idtss

Preppy Guys?
Yea, but i don't want him to act cockyy

Jocky Guys?
Yeshhh(: my favorite kindd!!! But he cant be a player and he has to be extraa nice to mee(:

Nooo thankyouu

Gangster Guys?
Haha not shuree

A Little More About Him

Shy Guys Or Super Outgoing?
Little of both

Looks Or Personality?
Personalityy. Looks are a bonuss<3

Green Or Brown Eyes?
Green cuz its closest to blue(;

Make-up Or Not?
Next Quote >

What do you look for in a guy? Favorite Hair Color? Brown or

0 faves · Sep 8, 2010 4:55pm




