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Life. Part 6


When my mom came and picked me up at Drake's house she came to the door and she wanted to talk to Drake's mom.
Uh-oh. I thought. Drake doesn't know that I'm not supposed to be here without his parents here.
"They aren't home yet." Drake said.
"Well where are they?" My mom asked, she sounded kind of angry.
"They're working, they'll be home in about an hour" Drake replied.
"So you're telling me that there hasn't been any parents here this whole time?!?"
"Uh, that's right." Drake, said. He sounded kind of nervous.

“Well Payton, you are not allowed here again! Did you know that Drake’s parents weren’t home?
“Yes, mom.”
“Come on. We’ll talk more about this in the car.”
As I was leaving, I looked at Drake and he gave me the “I’m so sorry” look.

When we got in the car my mom started to yell at me about how irresponsible I am and how I shouldn’t have gone to Drake’s. But I wasn’t really listening to her. I was thinking about Annie and the shooting. School was going to be closed for a couple days, so I was happy about that.

Then I remembered the phone call I had gotten while I was at Drake’s and I checked the number again. I still didn’t know who it was so I decided to call it when I got home.

After about five more minutes of lecturing from my mom I got out of the car and went up to my room. I called the number but no one picked up. The voicemail was a guy’s voice and his name was Aaron. I didn’t know an Aaron so I was going to call again later and hopefully he would pick up.

I texted Maddie and Kaylie, just saying what’s up. But only Maddie wrote back to me. Hm, that’s weird. Kaylie always has her phone on her. I asked Maddie if she knew where Kaylie was but she said that she hadn’t heard from her all day. Now that’s even weirder, we always talk to Kaylie everyday. I called her house but her mom picked up and said that Kaylie had gone out to get something a little while ago. About around the time that I got the phone call.

Huh, something was up. Where is Kaylie? And why would I get a phone call from a guy I don’t know around the same time Kaylie went out.

I called the phone number again about two hours later and Aaron picked up. He had a really deep voice, I guessed he was about 35 and sounded tough. He told me that he had Kaylie and that there was only one way we were getting her back.

Please comment and tell me what you think so far! 

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Life. Part 6 When my mom came and picked me up at Drake's

11 faves · 3 comments · Sep 4, 2010 3:10pm






xxxhaleyrawrx · 1 decade ago
i agrree with livvxyourxlifeee. i would read your book too
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livvxyourxlifeee · 1 decade ago
you should write a book! lol id read the whole series!! PLEASE post the next one soon! ahahaa
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baller22 · 1 decade ago
hey sorry. on part 5 i said paytons boyriend's name was dustin but it's really drake. im sorry if that confused anyone. i was a little side-tracked when i wrote part 5.. sorry again.
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