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 I challenge everyone to tell at least
one girl everyday that they are beautiful.
Even if you don't like her
or you don't think she looks pretty.
Every girl deserves to hear it; Cuz I'm sure that
even if she doesn't look it, somewhere >>inside<<
that girl is the most beautiful thing
the world has seen.
So go ahead, make that girl's day.
If you know it would make your day,
why not make someone elses?

I know it's long but please, it's worth reading.
Even if this gets one fave,
at least I know that one person is
willing to make a difference
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; I challenge everyone to tell at least one girl everyday that

11 faves · 1 comments · Sep 2, 2010 10:25pm






samanthurrx3 · 1 decade ago
omg, you and i think alike! i do this everyday! i tell someone and then i also write it on peoples formsprings!
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