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Day Seven Letter Seven
an ex boyfriend.

Dear Ex, 
What are we
? We broke up four months ago, yet we're constantly  sharing the sweetest, most romantic moments I've ever had. I'm not complaining, I love being with you, and I'm glad that I still get to have you, even if your not my boyfriend. We've been through so much since i met you two years ago. I feel closer to you than any other guy I've ever cared about. You were there for me through the hardest times of my life, and I thought I would be the girl you'd always love. i know deep down you still care, but its heart breaking to know its not enough for you to want me to be yours again. It hurts me so bad to feel your arms around me, to feel you kiss my lips, to have you look at me with those brown eyes. But the pain inside is worth it, because I could never feel as safe and comfortable in anyone else's arms like I do in yours. nothing compares to you. I don't care if I'm 16, I'll always love you. 

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Day Seven Letter Seven an ex boyfriend. Dear Ex, What are we?

1 faves · Aug 16, 2010 1:25am






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