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With the fake color of my hair
and the fake eyesight in my eyes
The fake nails stuck with glue,
and my fake height in my shoes.
Some may say I am fake
in some ways i must agree
my hair color, my eyesight, my nails, my height
just some of my "Fake" qualities
but if i said i love you, would you think I'm fake?
Because I'm really a brunette not a blond
and my nails are really stubby and short,
does this make my feelings fake?
What I feel in my heart, is that real?
or is it like my tan, fake?
The most special thing about feelings
is that I'm the only one that can feel them
but at the same time..
I'm the only one who knows how real they are.

...yeah thats an original
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With the fake color of my hair and the fake eyesight in my eyes

3 faves · Apr 6, 2004 8:56am






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