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30 Days; 30 Letters.

Day 9- someone you wish you could meet. 

Dear Matthew Gray Gubler;
You are the one person i want to meet. You are my hero. You are amazing. You play Dr. Spencer Reid on Criminal Minds my favorite show ever and since the first time i saw you on that show i was like this guy is my favorite(: Just to have a conversation with you would make my life and a hug would be even better. I am determined to meet you. It will happen; i will make sure of it(: 

Day 10- someone you don't talk to as much as you'd like to.

Dear Matt;
Well we used to talk ALL the time, then summer came and I'm not quite sure what happened. I guess you are too busy for me now, but whatever. You said we'd be friends forever and i desperately wanted to believe that and i still do. I hope when school starts we can go back to talking every day like we used to. You helped me get through so much and i really don't want to loose you. So basically I just want to say I love you && I miss you<3

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30 Days; 30 Letters. Day 9- someone you wish you could meet.

2 faves · Aug 11, 2010 2:49am






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