Witty Profiles

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[a]vailable: singlee...But Hopefullyyy Not for Longg!!! (;
[b]irthday: july 29th summer babbyyy
[c]rush: His Name is... I Ain't Tellin ya(; But He knowss
[d]rink you last had: Waterr

[e]asiest person to talk to: Tara, Jarrett, or Ali

[f]avorite genre of music: Anythinn
[g]ummy bears or gummy worms: Bothhh(:
[h]ad your first kiss: Mhmm(;
[i]nstrument: My Voicee
[j]uice : Anythinn
[k]illed someone: Ha Nahhh
[l]ongest trip: Texass blahh):
[m]ilkshake flavor: Vanillaa
[n]umber of siblings: 3 brothers NO SISTERS!! :P It suckksss
[o]ne wish: For Him To Be Mine! <3

[p]erson who called you last: Idkk I dont got my phonee with mee right nowww
[q]uiet person: Eh Dependss
[r]easons to scream: Ha too many too nammeee
[s]tupid: I can act like i am!! lmaoo
[t]ime you woke up: Uhhmm 10? i thinkk
[u]gly: Nopppeee
[v]egetable: Cucumbersss
[w]arm at the moment: Nah im good
[x]-rays you've had: Shoulder
[y]our favorite animal: Hmmm?? Uhmmm Zebras, Puppiesss anddd BUNNIES!!

[z]odiac sign: Leoo The Lion(:

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[a]vailable: singlee...But Hopefullyyy Not for Longg!!! (; [b]irthday:

0 faves · Aug 10, 2010 9:20pm




