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okay, i have been getting comments or reading quotes about how cheering is not a sport. i know something announced but its not over yet. please dont say cheerleaders are "stupid" or "cocky" because im sure i could find soccer, hockey or any other sports that have girls that are the same. it cant be an overall judgement because not everyone is like that. i know that the girls on my team are not. i wont judge other things if you dont judge cheering. i work really hard and love cheering, and it offends everyone when people put cheering down. i know and acknowledge how hard other sports are.  i can promise you not all girls are the way you think they are. i know that im not. and i do other sports, i just love cheering. so sorry if i have come across as full of myself or stupid like people categorize cheerleaders. i have many flaws, im not extremely popular, and i don't try to be.

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Please Read.... okay, i have been getting comments or reading

7 faves · 5 comments · Jul 27, 2010 11:14am






britpracht13 · 1 decade ago
i don't care what people say, cheerleading IS a sport. ha it's harder than it looks. it's not just a pyramid or loud voices. it's tight motions, jumps, tumbling, the whole 9 yards. it's hard.
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Cheerstar143 · 1 decade ago
thanks for agreeeing (sp?) with mee :)
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Cheerstar143 · 1 decade ago
okay, but i also think a lot of girls work hard for cheering. and the minute someone says its not a sport people rub it in our faces. i just dont understand why people want to put us down. i understand some cheerleaders might be mean or annoying but we all arnt, and no one really thinks of that
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taylornicole · 1 decade ago
i totally agree with you! im a dancer and i know how this feels. dance and cheer take as much, if not more, time and dedicatiion as "accepted sports" thank ya(:
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liveyourlife01 · 1 decade ago
i don't think their cocky or stupid or anything like that ...but when you say its a sport and like he president of sports says its not..its not
so sorry (:
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