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30 Letters.
DAY ONE; best friend.
Dear Jenna,
It's going to be nine years in September. YIKES!
It feels like yesterday I got on that bus and you were sitting down and I said, " Hi, I'm going to sit here. "
Then I forced you to let me sit with you, then when you got off the bus, you tripped. & I laughed, so hard, that boogies came flying out of my nose. (:  I guess it's true, time flies by when you're having fun!
But Jen, I wanted to thank you for always being there for me, when others weren't. I also want to thank you for letting me trust you, for letting me know you trust me. Thank you for the laughs, and the great times too. Thank you for not being embarrassed to my friend. I feel like, I don't thank you enough, but I should. You're honestly the only person I FULLY trust, the only one I can be my complete self with, and you won't judge me. But the thing is, you don't judge because you legit the same as me. Not just personality wise but, looks too? According to our family's, friends, teachers, and strangers we look like sisters, or twins? Hahaa, I guess I see it too! :) HONESTLY, I've had my best times, with you. I'm not even going to try and name all our unforgettable memories, and pointless insiders. I know we fight, everyone does..but we rarely do, but when we do..I hate how it's not just one day.. Like, how we just got out of a fight that lasted 4 months. :x But, I'm really glad that's over. But, since it's almost 1AM, I'm going to sleep, so i'll just sum it up, you're my best friend. scratch that, family. <3 & with you, I'd be no where. I love you times infinity and beyond.

snookums, bean, ashley. <3 ;)
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30 Letters. DAY ONE; best friend. Dear Jenna, It's going to

0 faves · Jul 26, 2010 12:42am




