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Secret # 5.

i always think about killing myself. everyday. i wont tell anyone though because im afraid theyll call someone to get me councling, or think im doing it just for attention. but maybe their right? but i also get the sudden feeling that i might just be crushed, get everything taken away, so empty that one day i might just shrivel up so small with nothing left, and just blow away.
...i do think about it too much and i blow things out of proportion.
sometimes i want to jump off a bridge into traffic.
i wont do it though.
i dont have the guts or strength.
and i dont think i live near many bridges.
and yeah,
and i love someone too much.
and you know...
i sorta like life.
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Secret # 5. i always think about killing myself. everyday. i

0 faves · Jul 25, 2010 1:23am




