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Okay this has gone on long enough.
Cheerleading IS a SPORT. NO it isn't the most dangerous.
every sport is dangerous in their own way. I am not saying that softball is more dangerous then cheerleading, no they both have egual things that are dangerous, in cheerleading you could fall, in softball you can get hit in the head with the ball.
SO, PLEASE enough with the cheerleading isn't a sport, cause it is just like any other sport, and NO it is not the most dangerous.
Cheerleaders have decication, and work hard. I bet a Soccer player couldnt go out there and do a back flip but I bet a cheerleader couldn't dribble up the field and get a goal.
comment/favorite if you feel the same way.

Ps. I am not a cheerleader,
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Okay this has gone on long enough. Cheerleading IS a SPORT. NO

10 faves · 2 comments · Jul 23, 2010 11:03am






mkylie44 · 1 decade ago
cheerleading is the most dangerous actually
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zyxwME4754 · 1 decade ago
k i love you =) i hate it when everyone is all like "ehmagawshhh cheer is the hardest most dangerous thing like, evahhh!" NO. sure its not easy, sure its a sport. but im thinking an all out gunfight is a hell of a lot more dangerous!!!
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