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30 Days 30 Letters : Day 1

Dear Brianna/ Sissy,

               I love you too death and i owe you my life. All the times I just wanted to give up on everything you've been there for me. We've only know each other a year but it feels like forever. I trust u with my life. You are the only person I can truelly talk to with out being judged or afraid youll tell someone else. You're the perfect deffenition of a true friend and i thank you for that. I love how when we met we only had softball in common now because of you i like all this new music and i bowl :D and i got ur to read and make braclets lol i love how know mattter what or how many fights we just keep getting closer. Also its amazingg and ur family is my family and my family is ur family well sissy i love youuuu soo much and thank you for being my bestfriend. <3

                                                                                                        Love ,
Kennedy <3

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30 Days 30 Letters : Day 1 Dear Brianna/ Sissy, I love you too

2 faves · Jul 16, 2010 1:13pm






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