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30 Days, 30 Letters
Day 2 - Your Crush

Dear Crush,
Long time, no see, eh? Yeah, well, you already know that I like(d) you since Anna decided to spill the beans on the bus ride. And of course, then Ev-il beat you up and brought you over to the monkey bars to make us "talk". Then you went all soap-opera on me. And then we became pretty good friends. :) I enjoyed those days when we would just talk. I didn't feel weird with you. But I am continually mocked by certain family members for our "relationship", and now if I ever saw you again, it would be extremely awkward on my part. So...yeah. Have fun with your Acadamy girlfriend (if you have one).
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30 Days, 30 Letters Day 2 - Your Crush Dear Crush, Long time,

1 faves · 2 comments · Jul 11, 2010 10:57am






LittleSally125 · 1 decade ago
i know. i was at my gram's the other day for her b-day and they got on the subject of him randomly and i was like, "SHOOT ME NOW!"
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orange_blue · 1 decade ago
lol. i know who he is and the family member LOL
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