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Dear Teenage Girl [that's me],

It's okay that you still miss him and it's okay that you still
love him. It's okay that he still passes through your mind
whenever you're not busy trying to forget him. It's all okay.
you love him. But deep inside, you know you deserve way
better. When he asked you what you were getting out of the
relationship, you couldn't answer because you couldn't think
of anything. It was a total roller coaster. The good times were
amazing, and the bad times sucked... A lot. You're young and
you still have more good times to come. You can add all those
good memories to the memoir of your life. Look back on them
in the future and remember he was your first REAL love. It was
a great feeling, but now it's time to move on. You're still upset,
but you'll get over it. I promise you. As for him, he'll be fine.
You know he has a great life in front of him if he chooses the
right paths. You love him. You always will and that's great.
Love is the best feeling you can ever have for a person. So
go ahead and love him. But remember... there will be other guys.
Use what you learned from this relationship. Know where you
stand. Know what you deserve because you only deserve
the very best. Know that whoever you decide to give your love
to next is worthy of it and will return to you what you give to
them. Mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Most
importantly love yourself. no one can give you more love
than you can give yourself. Put yourself first. Not arrogantly,
of course. But you know that you're worth ALOT.

Your heart

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Dear Teenage Girl [that's me], It's okay that you still miss

3 faves · Jun 26, 2010 12:04am





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