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Jasmine's POV

"I'll be right back." I told Ty and went to the front of matt's house to answer the call from my mom. "Hello?" "Honey, we have a surprise at home for you." I got really excited."I'm at a party down the street. Should I come now?" I asked. "Yes." "Ok. I'll be down in about 5 minutes.Bye" "Bye" I went back to the party to see if Ty wanted to come but then I found him. He had Amanda sitting on his lap. He looked very uncomfortable but I still got very jealous. I mean I know we aren't going out or anything but I still like him.. A LOT. I just stood there watching them for a minute. Instead of going to Ty I went to Robbie and Jon. "Hey, I've gotta go. I might be back later." They nodded. We hugged goodbye and I went to find Matt.  After a few minutes of searching I found him. "Hey, thanks for letting me come, but my mom needs me so I will probably be back." i told him. "Do you want me to walk you home?" he was very sweet. "Sure" So we walked back talking about things. We were home soon since I was right down the street. "Do you want to come in or you have to get to the party?" I asked him. "Sure, I can head back to the party with you too." I smiled. "Ma. I'm here." I yelled through the house. "Ok, who is this?" My mom asked. "I'm Matt. I hosted the party down the street." he put his hand out for my mom to shake and she did. Normally guys were intimated or something to meet my parents but he wasn't. "Ok follow me." My mom said. I grabbed Matt's hand and pulled him with me.

Matt's POV

"Ok follow me." Jasmine's mom said. Jasmine held my hand and pulled me with her. We followed her mom out to their backyard and their was a huge box. "Open it." her mom said. Jasmine still pulled me with her. "Wanna help me open it?" she asked me I just nodded my head. When we pulled the top of the box off, a little girl about 10 years old was sitting in their. Jasmine screamed,  not because she was scared but because she was excited. "Honey, meet your new sister, Brandi." Brandi looked almost like a mini Jasmine. She had black hair about shoulder length and green eyes. The eye color is probably the biggest difference based on appearances. She was very tan too. She was also about 5 foot. "Hi. I'm Jasmine, your big sister." you could tell Brandi was a little nervous. Brandi only waved. We helped her out of the box and we talked a little. We found out that she played soccer, swimming and loves animals. Eventually she became comfortable enough and started running around playing with us. "I should get back to the party." I whispered to Jasmine. "Can you wait like one minute?" I nodded. "Ma can we bring Brandi to the party down the street. I'll stay with her the whole time." Her mom thought about it and shook her head. "Brandi, do you wanna come to a party with me and Matt for a little while?" she shook her head excitedly.

Jasmine's POV

"Let's go get your bathing suit and we will head out." She took my hand and Matt took her other hand. We went up to Brandi's new room and picked out a nice bikini. It was green and faded to blue. She put a shirt and shorts over her bathing suit and we said our goodbyes and went back to the party. Brandi really liked Matt. Matt ended up walking into the party with her on his shoulders. I was laughing behind them. No one seemed to notice us come back. "Do you wanna go swimming Jasmine?" Brandi asked me "I'd love to but Matt has to come too." I said he took his shirt off and jumped into the pool getting me and Brandi soaked. Brandi looked at me. We took our shirt and shorts off and jumped in. Then we started to splash him. By the end of that we were all tired so we sat in the shallow end and talked. Then about 5 people jumped in. It was Jon, Ty, Robbie, Gabby, and Trina. "Well who would this be?" Jon asked. Brandi got shy again. "This is my new sister, Brandi. Brandi, this is Jon, Robbie, Trina, Ty and Gabby." i said pointing to each person. She just waved again. We all talked and Amanda came over to Ty again. It looked like he didn't want her around. It made me feel a little better. "What position do you play in soccer?" i asked Brandi. "Foward." I nodded. "Me too !" I was really excited. I mean I finally got a little sister. Then someone was behind me and wrapped their arms around my waist. Amanda looked jealous so I knew who it was, Tyler. So I turned and faced him. I put my hands around his neck. We stood there. Just looking into each other's eyes.Then after a while of just standing there I tried to dunk him but he was too strong so he ended up dunking me instead. I just splashed him. When I started to swim back to the group Gabby pushed me and whispered "Go ahead. Flirt we will stay with your sister." She winked, I just laughed and went over to Ty. He was turned looking at the beach. I jumped on his back. He was caught off gaurd and I slipped off his back. When he turned around I was under the water. He pulled me up and he put his arms around my waist again and I put my hands on his neck again. This time, Ty pulled me close. I reached up on my tippy toes and pulled his neck toward me and we kissed. It felt like everything paused, like no one was with us anymore. I felt sparks not like the first kiss we had, there was a lot of sparks this time. Then the moment was ruined by a a HUGE splash.
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Hometown Jasmine's POV "I'll be right back." I told

11 faves · 3 comments · Jun 22, 2010 10:09am






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