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With Green Eyes

I woke up that morning around 8:30. I changed out of my clothes from last night and into a pair of soffes and a tshirt. I threw my hair up into a ponytail and headed downstairs. I was still so tired. I walked into the kitchen where Brett and Todd were wide awake. I sat down next to them and laid my head on my hands.
"Goooood Morning Sunshine!"Todd said eagerly.
"Mornin sleepy head."Brett said.
"Shut up!Your too loud."I said to them closing my eyes. They just laughed.
"So can we make pancakes for breakfeast?"Todd asked.
"Yes you can." I said to him.
"When I say we, I really mean you."Todd said.
"Well good luck with that."I replied.
"Can you please make us them?"Todd asked.
"Or can you help us make theem?"Brett said.
"Nope."I said.
"Pwetty Pwease?"Todd said.
"No."I replied.
"Please Char? C'mon. If we make them they'll be burnt and disgusting. But if you help us they'll be fluffy and good."Brett said. Fluffy pancakes do sound good.
"No."I said.
"Please Charli? Your so pretty. Your hair is so wavy and pretty. Your so skinny."Todd was saying trying to make me make them by giving  me compliments.
"Nope."I said.
"C'mon can't you please helpp us. Please Chars?"Todd said.
"Finee."I said standing up walking over to the stove. They followed. I turned the stove on and put the pan on the stove. I took out all the ingradients and started mixing.
"So who wants to make the first pancake?" I asked.
"I doo!"Brett said. I handed him the bowl the mix was in and the spoon. He poured some of it on and when he was putting the spoon back he managed to flick some of it on me. It landed on my nose and by my eye. Todd and Brett, both started laughing. They took their finger, wiped some of the batter of my nose, and licked it.
"Yumm."Todd said. Brett looked at me and knew what was coming next.
"Yummmy ."He said laughing. I picked up the spoon and flicked some mix at the both of them.
"Your dead."They said in unison. I started to run away and they chased me. I ran outside into the back yard. I ran around a little and started slowing down when I got close to the pool so I wouldn't fall in.
"I got this."I heard Brett say. He started running faster towards me. I ran faster too. He grabbed onto me and slipped. He was falling into the pool and pulled me in with him. I stayed underwater for a second as did he. I came up laughing and so did he.
"It's freeeeezing."I said. My teeth were shattering. My arms were on his shoulders and my legs rapped around his waist. His arms around my back.
Brett just laughed. Then I realized it was Brett I was with so I let go of him still laughing. I pulled my self out of the water.
"It's even colder out here."I said.
"Your soaked."Todd said.
"Obviously. Your friend here just had to pull me in with him."I said getting a little mad.
"Sheesh. Bipolar much?"Todd said.
"Just a little bit."I replied. Brett just laughed.
"Kay well Im gonna go take a quick shower. We'll make the pancakes when I come out."I said running inside. I ran up the stairs and into my bathroom. I got towels, turned the warm water on, and quickly undressed and hopped in. The water was so warm and my goosebumps went away. I heard another shower go on so Im guessing Brett is taking a shower too. As soon as I was done with my shower, I got changed into  sweatpants, a sports bra, and a sweat shirt. The sweatshirt was cut around the neck so it hung off my shoulder. I put some prewrap around my hair and put it in a loose bun. I walked downstairs to where Brett and Todd were again. They were standing by the stove trying to figure out how to turn it on. I walked over and turned it on.
"Your hair smells good."Brett said.
"It does."Todd said.
"Thanks..."I replied and started cooking the pancakes. Once they were done we ate them. I invited Aunrey to come over afterwards.

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With Green Eyes Chapter:44 I woke up that morning around 8:30.

16 faves · 3 comments · Jun 16, 2010 11:51am






stuckxinxthisxmomentxforeverx · 1 decade ago

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smilexobrightx17 · 1 decade ago
this is really cute. i can't wait until charli realizes she really likes brett! :D
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beadleslover · 1 decade ago
this is soo good!! :)
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