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I tossed and turned for about an hour before I gave up and went to see if Zagger was awake. I quietly opened the door to his room and seen him already in bed. I turned to go back to my room but he called out to me.
"Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you," I whispered to him.
"I’ve been awake. Come here."
I shut his door and walked over to his bed.
"What did you need Zo?"
I didn’t say anything and he lifted his blankets up for me to slip into. I crawled in next to him and snuggled up in his warm arms.
"How’s your head?"
"Fine. . . I couldn’t sleep."
He held me in his arms and I smiled to myself as I remembered how I slept in Zane’s arms last night. Thinking of Zane reminded me of his warning about Mason. I hope his warning didn’t mean that Mason was going to leave me at a hospital. He’ll probably say ‘I told you so’ tomorrow when I seen him.
"Why do you think Mason left the way he did?" I finally asked.
He didn’t answer, so I thought he fell asleep. I sighed and positioned myself so that his arm around my shoulders played as my pillow. I could smell his cologne on his arms and his pillows. It smelled so good. It was Davidoff’s Hot Water, and if I was to be Mason’s girlfriend by the next holiday, I was definitely going to get him some of that cologne. When he spoke he scared me since he was quiet for so long.
"I really don’t know Zo. Cliff tried calling him a couple of times, but he didn’t answer his phone. We checked the pool house to see if he left it in there with his clothes, but it wasn’t there. So we know he has it, he’s just not answering ."
"That is so weird." I felt his chin rub against my hair, so I assumed he was nodding in agreement. "Do you happen to know why Zane is so opposed to Abbie and I dating Cliff and Mason?"
Again he was quiet, but I knew he wasn’t asleep. "Please tell me."
"They just don’t get along very well. They have the same group of friends, but I think that Zane get’s pushed around sometimes, so they don’t get along very well."
"Isn’t Zane two years younger than Mason though?" I asked, wondering why Zane would be hanging out with Mason and his friends that are two years older than him.
"Most of them have brothers that are Zane’s age."
We fell asleep after that, and I had Mason on my mind the whole night. He was in my dreams, and I dreamt
that he was apologizing over and over again for leaving the way he did. He was telling me that he only left because there was an emergency with one of his friends, and only he could help the friend out.

My dream felt so real. Mason was even hugging me and kissing my face as he explained what had happened. I only wished that the dream was real! His arms around me in my dream felt like they were around me when I woke up in Zagger’s bed. I realized that it was only Zagger’s arms that I was feeling when I had to untangle myself from his heavy arms.

I shook him awake, and he moaned and rolled back over when he seen that it was 10:30. We had church in
thirty minutes, so I had to pull him out of his bed and stand him on his feet before I could leave his room.
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ZOE BELL PART 22 I tossed and turned for about an hour before

4 faves · 1 comments · Jun 13, 2010 9:18pm






beadleslover · 1 decade ago
your a great writer! Keep writing! :)
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