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Why is God crying?"

 I looked at my five year old cousin then, and shrugged my shoulders. "I really don't know, sweetheart."
It was silent for a moment or two, and he asked another question. "Why are you crying?" 
We stared at each other. I looked off into the distance, uncomfortable with the steady gaze, and sighed.

"Because sometimes you can't control your feelings, and it sucks."

We were quiet again, and I waited for him to talk again, like I knew he would. And I was right.
Instead of the question I expected, he began to lecture me.
"Well, that's stupid." I stared at him and asked why.

"Because now you should do something about it."

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"Why is God crying?" I looked at my five year old cousin

62 faves · Jun 12, 2010 6:07pm






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