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Hailey's Star
Day 6

Last night was the night. We had to ask Hailey's aunt for help, we couldn't do it on our own. It was probably the most tension filled night, but still the most successful. Here's how it went down...

Hailey - "Mom...can I ask you something?"
Mrs Q - "Sure babe, what's up?"
Hailey - "Well...you know how me and Sasha have been looking for my... real mom?"
Then there was a long pause as we all sat at the counter not making any eye contact.
Mrs Q - "Yes."
Hailey - "We need you to help, Mom. Please?"
Mrs Q put down her coffee and looked into Hailey's eyes. They sat like that for a full five minutes before anything happened. All you could here was the sound of their Grandfather clock in the living room.
Mrs Q - "Hailey you know how I feel about...her." Hailey's eyes fell and her shoulders drooped. I felt my face fall. "But since I love you and I see how much you want this...I'll try. I can't garunte anything though Hail."
Hailey and I jumped up and hugged her tight. We squealed and jumped up and down together. Even Mrs Q had to smile a little. We were finally getting somewhere!

After dinner, Mrs Q called the judge that had taken Hailey's mom to rehab. He said that he would try to find her records and call us in two days. Things were starting to look up.
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Hailey's Star Day 6 Last night was the night. We had to ask Hailey's

3 faves · Jun 12, 2010 10:56am






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