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It'hard, isn'it?
All those fights with your dad, the death of her,
his mixed signals, school,  being in a place you
don't belong.    It feels like the world's crashing
down on you, but it's not. It's just a little storm.
The sun's ready to shine through,  but first you
need to know what it's     like to be living in the
real world.   Thank God you have someone who
understands that you don't deserve this. You're
trying,   you really are,  but the more you try to
put things in place, the more they fall apart. So
stay strong,  love with all your heart, and live to
the fullest.   Make the best of the rain,  sing to
thunder,  and laugh with the lightning, because
everything will be okay eventually,    trust me.*
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It's hard, isn't it? All those fights with your dad, the death

7 faves · Jun 5, 2010 3:56pm






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