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10 facts about parents

"because i said so" means i dont have a reason just do it

When you clean the house to be nice they have to find somthing for you to pick up

if theyre telling you to do one thing they always find another thing for you to do while youre doing that other thing

when you you ask for somthing they talk about how they didnt have it when they were a child

when they walk down the stairs slowly you know theres going to be trouble

theyre favorite 3 words are "pick it up"

they will do whatever it takes to try not to buy things for you
if they bought it for u it still isnt youres ugh

 parents dont care about our opinion

when youre having a lot of fun hey have to find work for u 2 do
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10 facts about parents "because i said so" means i

11 faves · 1 comments · May 30, 2010 9:32am






MzLucero · 1 decade ago
hey i like dis a lot! I will favorite dis but ihtz not workin! so jus tell ur sis dat dis counts as a FAVORITE
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