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You told me youd stay (L I E)
you told me you loved me (L I E)
you told me youll always be there for me no matter how hard stuff got (L I E once more)

how long should i wait for these promises to come true
you say you hate me one day
the next day your telling my friends you do it to keep me from getting depressed
you relise you sticking around hurts more
leave or stay choose dont come and go stick with one
daymn boy this game hurts ive always been a sore loser
and trust me im losing badly either way im hurt
finish wat you started ripp out the knife let me bleed
let my tears stain my sheets
let me cry myself to sleep
Now tell me do you love me
Or do you hate me stop playing around

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You told me youd stay (L I E) you told me you loved me (L I E)

1 faves · May 26, 2010 8:17pm





break up

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