Witty Profiles

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Name: Anna
Age: 13.
Bday: Februaru 17th (: 
Current Location: Science class, in the back of the rooom.
Current Mood: ;D

Flower: Colored roses.
Color: Pinkk.
Resturaunt: Outback<.3
Store: Aeropostale&Claire's.
Designer: Tim Gunn! Lmfao.
Animal: Frogg(:
Drink: Milkshake.

This or That:
Summer or Winter: Summer<'3
Shoes or Purse: No shoes & bags(;
Jeans or Skirts: Jeans.
Showers or Baths: take a bath, smell like trash;; take a shower, smell like a flower. so yeah, shower.
Rich or Famous: Rich/& a little famous.
Diamonds or Pearls: Diamonds are the way to go for everything.
Nsync or Backstreet Boys: Nsync<'3
Yoga or Sports: Sports.
Ocean or Pool: Pool.
Pink or Blue: Pink.
White or Black: Black
Real tan or Tanning beds: Real tan.
Preppy or Gothic: Preppy.
Eyeliner or Mascara: Uh, eyeliner.
Lipgloss or Lipstick: Lip gloss.

Taken or Single: Single./:
Relationships or Flings: Relationships.
Whats more important looks or personality: Personality, but looks still matter.
Longest relationship: I dunno. Like. 2 weeks.
Shortest relationship: Lmfao. Like a minute.
Crush?: Nahh,
Does he know you like him: Totally.
Funnest Date you've ever been on: Haven't been on one.
Worst Date you've been on: Uh,
Do you believe in soulmates:Somewhat.
Do you like romantic guys: Yesss.
Flowers or candy? Both.
Have you been in love: Nahh/:
Did it work out: Uh?
Has any guy ever cheated on you: Nahh,<3
Have you ever cheated: Never &don't plan on it either.
If so why: 'Cause that makes so much sense.
Why do you think girls stay when they know their man is cheating on them? Better question: why do guys cheat,?
Would you stay: Of course not. If one girl isn't enough for him, then he shouldn't have one at all.
Sweetest thing a guy's ever done for you: uh,not sure. 


Who's your best friend: Sydnye&Taylor<3
Do you tell him/her everything: Mostly.
Is this person number 1 on your friends list: Yeeep.
Would you do anything for him/her: If it doesn't involve getting up. Jkjk. Yeauuh.
Is it important for him/her to like your current beau: I guess. If they don't it's okkay though.
Can you be yourself infront of your girls: Why wouldn't I be able to?
Do you spend lots of time shopping with them: Not really, noo.
Is it better to have lots of buddies or one or two best friends: I have a lot of friends, but mostly just a few close friends that I talk to all the time. So,uh,both.
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Basics Name: Anna Age: 13. Bday: Februaru 17th (: Current Location:

0 faves · May 25, 2010 2:44pm




