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Here's to the girls:
who were friends with the "new kid"
who were in no way beautiful
who loves everyone
who has been betrayed by their "best" friend
who has been backstabbed
who has cryed herself to sleep
who has dreamed of what her life used to be
whos jelous of her friends
who wants to be accepted
who needs a guy to like her
who has ever had a "friend" use them
who has been dumped
who has loved a guy who hasent loved her back

I'm one of those girls </3
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Here's to the girls: who were friends with the "new kid"

85 faves · 2 comments · May 24, 2010 11:42pm






snowsuit · 1 decade ago
yeah i can never spell that word haha
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STFUimOnTheComputer · 1 decade ago
u spelled jealous wrong
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