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How to: Make your face clear!
so yeah this was requested i hope this helps all of you! on getting rid of pimples and acne and all that stuff!

1.) dont touch you pimple/acne , do not pop it because it will usually make it worse
2 .)My brother has acne he has alot and he just recently began using this burts bees natural acne solutions  (pore refining scrub) and its working so well hes only been using it for a couple of  days and its like working so well.
3.)we have also been using another burts bees product and its the on the spot one and you just basically put it on a pimple and it will gradually go away
4.)dont use oil based makeup products if you want to getrid of acne

okay i hope this helps! request more!

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How to: Make your face clear! so yeah this was requested i hope

10 faves · 3 comments · Apr 25, 2010 8:44am






tabbydoo · 1 decade ago
the stuff from acne.org is ammazing
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ixlovexhim5696 · 1 decade ago
Where can you get that stuff ?♥
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Makeupndhair4life · 1 decade ago
oh and for the burts bees pore refining stuff sdont use it everyday ur only supposed to use it like 3 times a week. and then for the rest of the days use an everyday face cleanser
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