Witty Profiles

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1. male friend: Steven (sorta) 
2. female friend: Caroline and Jackie : )
3. vacation: Carribean on cruise
4. age: 12
5. memory: Ashokan : )

1. Time of day: 3AM
2. Day of the week: Wednesday
3. Food: Disgusting stuff lol
4. Memory: being embarrassed
5. Subject: Home and Careers ( If you could call it a real class)

1. Person u saw: Dad and mom
2. Talk on the phone with: Erin
3. Hugged: mom
4. IM: Caroline

1. Kiss: no one. :(
2. Car: none
3. First school: pre-k
4. Job: none

1. What are you doing now: this
2. Tonight: Watchin t.v.
3. Wearing: t-shirt and sweatpants
4. what did you eat for lunch: chips and salsa
5: Better than yesterday: YES

1. Is: Sunday
2. Got any plans: double header softball game
3. Goal: to WIN!!!
4. Dislikes about tomorrow: no sleeping late
5. Do you have work: no

1. Number: 3
2 Song: Already Gone by Kelly Clarkson
3. Color: pink
4.Season: Spring
5. State: NY

1. Are you in love?: i think
Dating someone: no
3.Missing someone: yes
4. Mood: irritated
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_______Bests________ 1. male friend: Steven (sorta) 2. female

1 faves · Apr 17, 2010 8:35pm






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