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            Why do girls dress like whores? i mean sure its okay to walk in Sophies outside one day and hang. but like to school every day. Jean shorts that ride up your butt, shirts that are so low you can see half of your cleavage. Sure, you might get some guys attention. But not the right guys. And the perverted guys you do get attention from just want you for what your showing. If your that desperate, than thats really sad. But guys wont ever respect you. They wont ever think of you as a girl they would want to marry. They will just remember you as what you show. Not what your personality is or how naturally pretty you are. So i am not saying wear knee length skirts and shorts and neck length shirts. Just dress in the middle. Show what you want a guy to like you for, not what a perverted guy will stare at. 

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Why do girls dress like whores? i mean sure its okay to walk

26 faves · Apr 9, 2010 9:04pm






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